For Teachers

Berklee Press would like you to consider incorporating our new products into your curriculum. We invite you to take a test drive before purchasing. Our books, videos, and DVDs are all developed in keeping with the Berklee College of Music standards of educational excellence, and authored primarily by Berklee faculty and alumni.

Teachers and professors may receive a free “examination copy” of any book you are considering using in your curriculum, or a  “desk copy” of any book adopted for course use. Please email a PDF with your request on school letterhead to (Berklee faculty do not need to use letterhead.)

Include in your request:

  • title
  • author
  • ISBN number
  • title of the related course
  • title of the text you are currently using or considering for the course
  • expected enrollment

Please do not request a desk copy if you have already received an examination copy.

These requests are generally fulfilled within thirty days.