Matt Marvuglio joined the Berklee faculty in 1974 and became chair of the woodwind department in 1988. In 1996 he was promoted to dean of the Professional Performance Division and is the longest-serving dean in the history of the college. During his 21-year tenure as a dean, he oversaw many significant academic programs and curriculum changes, including implementing a master’s degree program in performance at the Boston and Valencia campuses. A virtuosic flute player, he performed and presented clinics throughout the world and wrote numerous articles on jazz flute performance. Particularly since 1998, he was a great friend to Berklee Press, and in one way or another, touched all of our publications, for nearly twenty years. He is greatly missed.
Books by Author:
Berklee Practice Method: Teacher’s Guide: Get Your Band Together
Teachers of all instruments will benefit from this guide to using the innovative Berklee Practice Method Series.