
Berklee Textbook

Many of our books are used as textbooks at Berklee College of Music (as well as at many other institutions around the world). New books are adopted as texts to courses all the time, so if you know of others that should be here, please let us know and we’ll add them.

Understanding Audio: Second Edition: Getting the Most Out of Your Project or Professional Recording Studio

by Daniel M. Thompson,

A Modern Method for Guitar Scales

A Modern Method for Guitar Scales

by Larry Baione,

A Modern Method for Violin Scales

by Rob Thomas,

Arranging for Strings

by Mimi Rabson,

Berklee Jazz Drums

by Casey Scheuerell,

Contemporary Cello Etudes: Studies in Style & Technique

by Mike Block,

Berklee Contemporary Music Notation

by Jonathan Feist,

Contemporary Counterpoint: Theory and Application

by Beth Denisch,

Berklee Jazz Standards for Solo Piano

by Robert Christopherson, Tim Ray, Ross Ramsay, Hey Rim Jeon,

Jazz Vocal Improvisation: An Instrumental Approach

by Mili Bermejo,

Classical Technique for the Modern Guitarist

by Kim Perlak,

Arranging for Horns

by Jerry Gates,

A Modern Method for Guitar – Volume 1 (Book/Online Video): Book with More Than 14 Hours of Berklee Video Instruction

by William Leavitt, Larry Baione,

Songwriting: Essential Guide to Rhyming – Second Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Rhyming for Poets and Lyricists

by Pat Pattison,

Music Industry Forms: The 75 Most Important Documents for the Modern Musician

by Jonathan Feist,

The Self-Promoting Musician – Third Edition: Strategies for Independent Music Success

by Peter Spellman,

The Berklee Book of Jazz Harmony

by Tom Hojnacki, Joe Mulholland,

Latin Jazz Piano Improvisation: Clave, Comping, and Soloing

by Rebecca Cline,

Audio Post Production: For Film and Television

by Mark Cross,

Audio Mastering: Essential Practices

by Jonathan Wyner,

Project Management for Musicians: Recordings, Concerts, Tours, Studios, and More

by Jonathan Feist,

Music Composition for Film and Television

by Lalo Schifrin,

Producing Drum Beats: Writing & Mixing Killer Drum Grooves

by Erik Hawkins,

The Contemporary Singer – Second Edition: Elements of Vocal Technique

by Anne Peckham,